Experience :: Government :: Projects
Project: | Mark Avenue Stormwater Structure |
Owner: | United States Corp of Engineers |
Project Location: | Marietta, Georgia | Completion Date | July 2012 |
Contract Value: | $ 2,752,667 |
Constructed a stormwater detention structure across a tributary to Noonday
Creek; about 300 to 400 feet upstream of Mark Avenue, in Marietta, Cobb County, GA.
Portions of an existing sewer line and manholes will be removed from the site area. The
existing lines are located in the proposed flooding limits. The lines will be located on the
site to a higher elevation. The berm (stormwater dam) is approximately 340' long and
approximately 115' wide. The bottom elevation is 996' and the top of the berm is 1013'
with 3:1 slopes. An 18' wide and 126' long concrete spillway with a weir outlet control
structure will be utilized to control the flow from the berm. A spillway with Amorflex
overflow protection will be utilized for the overflow out side of the concrete spillway.